Legal notice

Publisher of the website
Owner and editor of this website under the French law is the company Toursud : 29 rue Gaffarot – 34140 Meze – France.
The director of the publication is Mr Arnaud Caron.
> RCS Montpellier 823664149
> Toursud is a LLC - 53 000 € capital
> TVA Intra FR06823664149
> Atout France registered operator IM082170001
> Interior transportation licence 2018/76/0001925
> Coach International transportation licence 2018/76/0001924
> Private driver (VTC) licence 082167513
> Financial guarantee: APST 200 000 €
> Liability insurance : ALLIANZ IARD 55374908
OVH | 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix :
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The entire website is ruled under French and international law concerning author’s rights and intellectual property. All reproduction and representation rights reserved, including downloadable documents and iconographic representations and photos. The reproduction of all or part of this site is strictly forbidden, but for special authorization obtained from the editing director and author, or if mentioned otherwise. The brands quoted on this website are registered by the companies who own them.
The entire website is ruled under French and international law concerning author’s rights and intellectual property. Any reproduction, representation, broadcasting and/or use of all or part of the content of this website, by any means and in whatsoever form and for whatever purpose, is prohibited, except with express prior, written permission from Toursud. In any event, and subject to the above, the source ( must be clearly stated, as well as, as appropriate, the name of the author.
Any person failing to respect the applicable legal provisions shall be considered as infringing copyright and shall be liable to the penal sanctions provided by law, notwithstanding all other claims that may be lodged by Toursud.
Photo copyright :
© Arnaud Caron
© Toursud partners (coach companies)
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Right to access information
In accordance with the Data Freedom Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information technologies, data processing and individual freedoms, you have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data collected on this website. To exercise this right, you must write to :
Toursud - 29 rue Gaffarot - 34140 Meze - France. The data are placed under the responsibility of the Toursud and are not shared with any third party.
These conditions and the relationship between Toursud and users are subject to French law and any dispute which has not been settled amicably will be brought before the competent courts of Montpellier.